Sveza's corporate website

Website development, 3D design, photo and video production, dynamic animation for the leader in birch plywood production

SVEZA is the world leader in the production of high-quality birch plywood. The company’s products are exported to 80+ countries.

We not only developed the website, but also undertook the entire production: 3D design, management team photoshoot, on-site video production in several locations and the showreel, copywriting and organizing the catalog texts, translation of all content into English, content transfer.

Special Kudos. Best Innovation. UI design. UX design.


Honorable Mention

Golden Site

1 place. Best website for business (b2b)


In order to refresh the corporate style, we developed an identity as a part of the project. It was based on the production process and the basic shapes of the finished product. Horizontal and vertical stripes represent the alternation of differently oriented sheets of veneer in layers of plywood.


Our main task was to launch a communication platform for all target groups: customers, suppliers, dealers, press, employees — which was solved by creating a design system.

Sveza corporate website has a complex structure. The internal pages contain not only information about the company, but also a catalog, product pages with detailed information, infographics and 3D models.


For each of the 8 product segments, 3D models were developed to illustrate plywood applications. A plaster, simplified style of models was chosen to illustrate the plywood application sectors. This approach allowed the focus to be shifted to the product.


On mobile devices, the website looks simple, while remaining informative. We gave up duplicate navigation, reduced some interactive elements, and shifted the focus towards rationality.


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